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January 18, 2007

Google + Yahoo

Google - Yahoo Combined Search

GahooYoogle is a tool that allows you to use both search engines at the same time.

When you type in your related search words, GahooYoogle will give you the results from Google and Yahoo in a split screened frame. What this means, is that you can look at both search engine results at the same time to find out the best and most relevant search find. This is pretty interesting in the fact that you can more or less compare the different priorities of search results on both Google vs. Yahoo and based on your needs, you may be able to find the one you like the best. For example, I did a search on “Yahoo” and found that the Yahoo search engine displayed more of Yahoo’s products whereas Google’s results displayed more of Yahoo’s news on the front pages... more

2. GaHoOgle

This is basically a combined search of yahoo and google. Query entered in search box will be displayed in a split screen as shown below. It still has options for choosing other search engines for left side as well as right side of spit window. Other search engines are MSN and AskJeeves. One can easily compare the ability of these search engines. For example for the same search of "gahoogle", yahoo gave 87 result in 0.50 sec, where as google find 57 results in 0.10 sec. This search is made on 20th Feb, 2007.

Below is a Msn-Ask Jeeves results for the same search query.

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